Behandlingar, Kurser, Utbildning & Retreats

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Läs om - "Letter of recommendation Malin Rydesjö"

Malin receives, flows, holds, sees and awakens. I don’t know any healer who opens spaces of healing so intuitively, so clearly, so wisely, so selflessly, so tenderly and attuned as her. Malin recognizes energetic bodies, their language and what they have to say, whether physically, via video-call or on the phone. Malin is connected to Source, allowing information to flow through her being which feels pure, true and essential to me. I would describe a session with her as a journey home, a journey to essence, to what really matters. In Malin’s presence I feel safe and non-judgmental. For me, she miraculously embodies what it can feel like to land in the arms of Mother Earth and then be nourished, sustainable, grounded and empathetic to yourself, others and nature. ❤





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