Energy medicine, phone session

”What an experience! I have never ever, despite all the meditation and therapy etc, come so close to my deep deep worry and anxiety and also be able to see it so clearly linked to my relationship with my mother. .. I am so deeply grateful for your beautiful, gentle, loving guidance to something that I thought was unattainable. And this on the phone.”

In this session of energy medicine, you will release heavy energies that inhibit your life flow and your physical, emotional and spiritual health and life.

You lie comfortably at home or on site and are guided into relaxing breathing and together we open up and harmonize your system layer by layer.

I travel beside you and together we meet and dissolve what is stuck, hurts and inhibits you from living life alive.

We clear, open, release, raise, transform, cut ties and energies that hinder your life flow and then when there is space, when memories, other people and programming have been freed, then we call on your true essence, your energy and qualities that you need and long for.

So first we create deep cleansing in the system and then we fill it with nectar, your unique gifts, your essence.

You get to see who you really are, the path that can be yours and you get to experience life flowing in your veins, in your soul, in your being.

You simply get in touch with what is beyond the veils. Perhaps your guides will appear, ancestors, entities of various kinds. Maybe past lives want to tell you something.

But above all, we let your cells in the body heal imbalances so that you become even more clear, true, whole and expanded in your person and being, in all bodies.

It is a journey in full contact with your, nature’s and the universe’s forces and being and at the same time it is very simple and logical to follow.

You are with us all the way and see what is what and in that we can reconnect, link or bring back aspects of you to become more whole and get closer to the source and your unique energy and the gifts and life path that is unique to you. There we create and reconnect you to vibrations and frequencies that give you even more light, joy and an open heart. You get more in touch with the virtues and can live in more reverence to the whole.

A session can take us through, into and between multitudes of worlds, while traveling in the physical reality where each cell is an entire universe.

We can work at the dna level and see what information is in your cell memories and transform them.

It makes your physical body feel the transformation while it is happening.

It can be felt when the oxygen begins to flow in the body, when the treatment is like craniosacral therapy, when the fascia softens and pulses with flow throughout the body, when toxins flow out of the system, when the hood that was previously full of fog and heaviness is suddenly clear and open, when despondency and lack of energy are exchanged for lightness and openness. Everything is energy and this means that pain, imbalances, anxiety, heaviness, fears etc. can be released. This also releases the behaviors around the imbalances, because the foundation has been dissolved.

You may experience a change in the way you look at yourself and the world and you may be empowered to make the changes needed to follow your inner needs and what you know to be true for you. The transformations take place in the present, but beyond time. This means that we include everything that has happened and will happen at the moment we are working. In the energy world, time does not exist. Still, we can work on the human timelines to find and resolve blockages. So you understand that this goes beyond logic. Still, the journey is completely obvious once we’re in it. We just need to understand what to look at, discern, work with and then what to do with what we see. I will help you with this.

On the journey through your multidimensional system, we scan for various blockages, vibrations or memories that limit the flow of your life.

You will also learn how this is done so that you can continue to help yourself with more flow even after the session.

We can find reasons for the imbalances in many places, from childhood, past lives and between lives, but it can also be the energies of others. When we release this and what belongs to these blockages, you suddenly have the opportunity to connect with your heart and pure love. It is like lifting fog from your inner worlds so that it becomes clear. Purely. Reality emerges when the programming is lifted away.

Welcome to more of you!

Read more about - Energy medicine, phone session

One treatment can feel like several treatments, in shamanism it is called ceremonies, as we work multidimensionally, both systemically and technically, and get behind the symptoms on several levels at the same time. Everything you are is included, i.e. the physical with organs, tissues, connective tissue, bone marrow, skeleton and everything that is matter in the body, but also the different energetic dimensions.

1% of the atom is matter ie protons, neutrons and electrons. The rest are spaces.

In energy medicine, I also work with these so-called voids, which are often full of both memories, programming, old agreements, blockages, stagnant energy, other people’s energies, etc. that affect your contact with who you truly are.

This treatment is very relaxing, liberating, light and you are reminded that your joy, love and vitality are there, regardless of symptoms.

On the way you get to see what’s in the way.

It can be sadness, pain, anxiety, shame, programming, old agreements, shutdowns, behaviors and emotions that compensate for separation, alienation or a feeling of not being good enough or belonging. Doubt, despair, lack of life energy, meaning, or longing to build better relationships, reach out with your gifts, become more effective at work or realize yourself on different levels, yes all parts can be addressed and transformed in this session.

All that is you is welcome!

Want to deepen your healing?

Book mentoring programs 3-6 months and have regular contact between our sessions.

I keep you in your healing process and give you different types of support in the weeks. You have me as therapist, guide, mentor, fellow hiker, mother, leader to lean on and receive both healing, coaching, mental and emotional support from.

In this way, we can go through part by part of your history and what has shaped you today. We free the different parts and let your true energy take up more and more space in your system so that you can live more and more from your true self, the one you somewhere know you are, but perhaps haven’t realized.

When we work and facilitate your healing, everything happens organically and intuitively. Therefore, the healing is sustainable. What heals, really heals deeply when the cause is taken care of.

It is not a transfer of energy at all but I am calling upon your system and reminding you of the inherent life flow you have and are, even if it locked up or even moved the body.

Some recognize my work in shamanism, some in various healing techniques, etc.

I have chosen not to call my work anything other than energy medicine as there is so much that fits into my craft.

See more at ”About Me” to read a bit about my vision and how all the different technologies are available to me.

It’s everything from techniques from the courses I attended and other things I delved into in different ways. It is yoga, meditation, mindfulness, ayurveda, tantrapulsation, tantra massage, chakra balancing, TRE, EMDR, zen, shaking therapy, dance, acupressure, reflexology, Sat Nam Rasayan activations I received from NAM, Taoism and shamanism, healing arts of different cultures, witchcraft and not least contact with mother earth. My journey has been about going behind technology and into the essence of what technology wants to convey and therefore you get to come along on guided journeys with me where this is integrated.

I don’t need to put words or names on an exercise or make it individual and unique for you to put it in a compartment, it just happens in the flow.

If you attend training with me, you will of course gain a better understanding of what we are doing so that you can work yourself as an energy medicine therapist or holistic energy masseur or energetic tantra masseur or stress coach. All these trainings give you clear techniques and experiences that you can then share with you.

So you come to me if you want to redeem yourself, but along the way learn techniques to live a sustainable, peaceful and joyful lifestyle.

“You have saved my life,” said one woman, who was close to death, after a session. ”These nights I have woken up in my dream and said to myself – I am happy. I love you-. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart (and you know how big it was in our session)”.

“I feel really good! Feels like I got a huge power! Notice how my colleagues are affected without me thinking they know about it. Grateful”

You are your best healer.

I assist as you free yourself and leave the session strengthened knowing that you have it all within you!

You are powerful, you are potent, you are amazing and vibrate so beautifully! Let yourself get in touch with what is you.

Time to stop fighting and start living!

Through these treatments, people have gotten rid of arrhythmia, stomach ulcers, backaches, migraines and other physical ailments, but also released death anxiety, panic disorder, acute stress, deep sadness, relationship problems, mother, father trauma, consequences of abuse, loneliness and attachment problems and much more .

Price: 60 min / SEK 1,300
Where: By phone
When: Individual occasions or ongoing

The fee is paid upon registration to bg 229-2571 or swishas to 1235879606
Type your name and Energy Medicine, phone session in the message box.

Tel: 0707 750868

What some of the satisfied say.

"Together we released lots of stagnant energy and got the life energy flowing properly."
”Malin has a magical way of sensing and working with energies. She makes you feel safe and works intuitively and efficiently.

Together we released lots of stagnant energy and got the life energy flowing properly.

The treatment was part of the kick-start to the fact that I now have more energy and zest for life, which I am of course very grateful for.

Can really warmly recommend Malin, she is wonderful! ”

/ Nellie Wedén

"My system has been restructured since the treatment."
”It really feels like my system has been restructured since the treatment. The pain I usually have on the right side of my neck moved and when I woke up it was gone. I’ve been to the toilet several times and I think a lot of parasites have come out.”
"The meeting with Malin was unexpected and powerful."

The meeting with Malin was unexpected and powerful. I thought for a while about how healing at a distance would work. Immediately when I was guided by Malin, who with security and clarity led me into myself, I experienced a big change inside. Like all my inner wisdom was speaking to me. There were many strong inner experiences in a single session. Afterwards I felt strong and soft. Deep inner peace and a lovingness that spread to the whole family and to me. Before the session I had felt completely exhausted and in great need of recovery after a stressful spring. Malin gives you guidance to your core and deep healing of many layers of trauma. She is with you all the way. Through everything.
Very thankful. – Louise

"Malin you are a powerful soul who helps deeply"

”I woke up one night after feeling very bad and learned that Malin was the right person to help. Such powerful help with both me and my mother, who held me back on different levels. I also got to experience a new level in my energy work that felt so reassuring.

Malin you are a powerful soul that helps in depth. So grateful. Many different new insights now came to me in the days afterwards.
Thank you for this time and see you again beautiful soul.”

"You have saved my life!"

”You have saved my life,” said a woman who was close to death after a session. ”These nights I have woken up in my dream and said to myself – I am happy. I love you-. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart (and you know how big it was in our session)”

"It's like everything just falls into place and me with it."

”It’s like everything just falls into place and me with it. That an inner stillness has set in. A stillness that doesn’t stress or feel like restlessness. The day after I was with you I was pulled down on the mat for meditation. I’ve never Happened before. Things come to me at a faster pace. And the exhaustion, the lack of nutrition, just disappeared!”

"Cleaned out old and filled with new energy."

”I had for a long time had difficulty letting go of negative energies within me. They clearly prevented me from finding balance in life and I did not feel well. After a few distance treatments with Malin, I now feel stronger in the basics, but also stronger mentally and physically.

During the treatments, we have both cleansed the old and filled up with new energy. I ”saw” within me a flow of golden mass that flowed through my arms, legs, yes my whole body and filled the body with new positive, clean energies. The body felt completely relaxed and I had to stay in this state for a while before I got out of bed and it lasted for a long time. I feel afterwards that these energy treatments that Malin gave me, have put me on the right track and I will book more strengthening treatments with Malin to both maintain balance, but also become even more true, free and strong. Malin feels extremely experienced, confident and knowledgeable in her work. It cannot be missed that Malin is really passionate about her work in helping people find balance and harmony in their lives.”

"Highly recommend her!"

”It was on three occasions that Malin remotely guided me into myself and different areas of the body via breathing and visualizations. In this way, she was able to bring out images and feelings that went way back in time where there were blockages. She guided me to stop and through breathing dissolve old patterns and stagnations or difficulties.

This was a new and nice way to get healing and for me it felt much easier afterwards with things that were cleared or that got to take a new place or focus in life. Problem areas I had are easier or no longer exist at all. My experience of Malin is that she is a very easy-going, clear and likeable person who has the ability to keep the focus right and above all to make you feel in safe hands. Highly recommend her and this method with which she performs her healing!”
-Jenny Ekholm

Group healing on distance

Malin works completely remotely with the group as a whole and you as an individual and partly writes on fb what it was that showed up and came forward and to you about what only concerned you.
This is a powerful healing where the causes of your challenges are found and resolved bit by bit.
Many attend each time and work deeply with different parts of their multidimensional selves to release more of what is in the way of essence and source and gain better health and vitality mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and multidimensionally.

When registering, you write what you want us to focus the healing on. At the appointed time, you lie down at home and breathe, relax and open the system for your highest good and invite Malin to collaborate with you in it.

Price: SEK 250 / healing date
Where: Where you choose to be
When: 9/30, 10/31, 11/30, 1/31, 2/29, 3/31, 4/29, 5/30

Read more on social.

The fee is paid upon registration to bg 229-2571 or swished to 1235879606
Write your name and Healing in group and date/event in the message box.

What some of the satisfied say.

"She took me further into myself than I had previously experienced.."
“With a dose of skepticism, I took on the session. Previous sessions with other therapists had not given more taste.
This time would be something completely different.
Malin guided me down towards a calm that first took me to tender points and released a lot of sadness, painful but also in the true sense of the word healing.
She took me further into myself than I had previously experienced and there was darkness. Malin led me towards a darkness I had previously shied away from but now dared to face with the result that a deep fear dissolved to finally see a beautiful light.
Then came the redemptive laugh, that laugh that bubbles with life energy.
Thank you Malin for a more than fantastic trip.
Pure magic✨”
/ Erik
"Malin you are a powerful soul who helps deeply"

”I woke up one night after feeling very bad and learned that Malin was the right person to help. Such powerful help with both me and my mother, who held me back on different levels. I also got to experience a new level in my energy work that felt so reassuring.

Malin you are a powerful soul that helps in depth. So grateful. Many different new insights now came to me in the days afterwards.
Thank you for this time and see you again beautiful soul.”

"It's like everything just falls into place and me with it."

”It’s like everything just falls into place and me with it. That an inner stillness has set in. A stillness that doesn’t stress or feel like restlessness. The day after I was with you I was pulled down on the mat for meditation. I’ve never Happened before. Things come to me at a faster pace. And the exhaustion, the lack of nutrition, just disappeared!”

"Cleaned out old and filled with new energy."

”I had for a long time had difficulty letting go of negative energies within me. They clearly prevented me from finding balance in life and I did not feel well. After a few distance treatments with Malin, I now feel stronger in the basics, but also stronger mentally and physically.

During the treatments, we have both cleansed the old and filled up with new energy. I ”saw” within me a flow of golden mass that flowed through my arms, legs, yes my whole body and filled the body with new positive, clean energies. The body felt completely relaxed and I had to stay in this state for a while before I got out of bed and it lasted for a long time. I feel afterwards that these energy treatments that Malin gave me, have put me on the right track and I will book more strengthening treatments with Malin to both maintain balance, but also become even more true, free and strong. Malin feels extremely experienced, confident and knowledgeable in her work. It cannot be missed that Malin is really passionate about her work in helping people find balance and harmony in their lives.”

"Highly recommend her!"

”It was on three occasions that Malin remotely guided me into myself and different areas of the body via breathing and visualizations. In this way, she was able to bring out images and feelings that went way back in time where there were blockages. She guided me to stop and through breathing dissolve old patterns and stagnations or difficulties.

This was a new and nice way to get healing and for me it felt much easier afterwards with things that were cleared or that got to take a new place or focus in life. Problem areas I had are easier or no longer exist at all. My experience of Malin is that she is a very easy-going, clear and likeable person who has the ability to keep the focus right and above all to make you feel in safe hands. Highly recommend her and this method with which she performs her healing!”
-Jenny Ekholm

Tantra massage

Not to hold back but to release blockages, restricted norms or programming and memories that reduce the zest for life and the space for life. Also, Dearmoring is included.

Read more about - Tantra massage

Living in presence with the whole selfTantra means weaving and contains techniques and approaches for living in presence with the whole self, even when with others. To bring out all of life in life with all the expressions that exist. To come home to you in both safety, foundation and strength.

To not hold back but release blockages, restricted norms or programming and memories that reduce the zest for life and life space and a way to get to know one’s energy, but also one’s entire physical body. To be able to circulate your energies and free yourself so that life becomes orgasmic or at least alive.

A massage is based on your needs and your desire to become more of you. The massage aims to release locked feelings and tensions in body, mind and soul and bring you INTO the body properly and release yourself OUT so that you take place in your whole being. So that you can conquer yourself and your life. Your energy. So that you can open yourself to love, joy, dance and power. The relaxation and circulation of energy can take place in different ways with pressure, stillness, breathing, sound, movement, tactile, zone therapy, acupressure, etc. Pelvic floor massage can be included where tension in the abdomen is dissolved. When the energy is blocked in the pelvic floor, the flow throughout the body is inhibited. Here sits the first, second, third chakra, which stands for basic needs and energies: security, sexual energy and life force. When tension releases, the life force can begin to flow and you can cooperate with it. Dearmoring and making contact with one’s pelvis can be associated with taboo in some societies, despite the fact that this is where we create life and has a multitude of functions that must function for good health. Stress, anxiety, worry, trauma, shame, achievement, etc. can tense the muscles in the pelvis so much that breathing and the entire living space are strangled. By releasing these locks, we can thus bring rest into the entire system, which can affect everything from sleep to pleasure. This part of the treatment can also evoke memories and thoughts. Then know that you are supported and will be helped to heal.

Tantra is about being with what is, without judging, fixing, removing. When what is is allowed to be, it transforms. I am the tool and holder of space. It’s magic when it just happens, what you might have fought a lifetime to achieve! Magic is also discovering the body’s intelligence and how it wants to live, heal and enjoy, as long as you get out of its way. The session includes both conversation, guidance and treatment. It lasts 90 or 120 minutes. You contact me before and tell me what you want with a session.

This massage is for women only.

Depreciation included

So what is dearmoring and how does it work?

When your mind or body memories want/need to protect themselves, the body, the heart or different parts, we put up a shield, a defense, a wall or contract in different ways so as not to be affected so hard and thus feel pain.

A body protection can feel like muteness, emptiness, coldness, being fluid (as if one does not dare to stay still) or controlling, shielded, attitude and hard. Then it can be challenging or even unthinkable to show yourself vulnerable, to let go (to even believe that there is something to let go of), to ask for support and to build walls between you and others that make you difficult to access and not present.

Going here the patterns can be put on subconsciously from early in life even in situations that may not have looked so dangerous, but which we experienced as threatening. Regardless of what happened, it’s about your experience and how you were met or not when you felt what you felt that creates the protection. This is often placed in the subconscious as behaviors and situations that every time you are reminded are triggered and the body goes into defense or protection.

Partly being prepared and partly protecting and contracting parts of the system creates imbalances in the body over time, both energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically and prevents you from living life alive.

Dearmoring the body is about allowing your system to detach from these memories and blockages in various ways and allow your flow, your true life force to have more space again and give you peace.

I do this through energy treatments at a distance and physically and connect it with holding, pressing, opening, breathing, massaging, sounding, smelling, moving and visualizing different things. The tantra massage can include gender disarmament. If you choose to work overtime, we meet your system in several different ways to set you free, in security and expansion.

Price: 90 min SEK 2.500:- | 120 min SEK 3.000:-
When: Appointment

The fee is deposited at bg 229-2571 or swished to 1235879606
Write your name and Tantra Massage in the message box.

What some of the satisfied say.

"Letting go of the shame was big. Damn what power there is when you do that!"

”The session was very nice because it felt so normal. Being able to be in the body, and not feeling ashamed because I appreciated being able to express, be seen and reflected in my sexual energy.

It was cool and nice to feel what power there is in being completely open and seen. That I could see how I often want to perform and push things forward, but then be able to rest in that.

It was nice to just follow the flow in the body and let the energy flow around, and to be allowed to moan in pain or pleasure.

I also learned the beauty of intimacy, being able to switch between feeling like a big strong man, to just leaning into being a little boy who wants closeness.

Letting go of the shame was big. Damn what power there is when you do that!

You did a fantastic job. With your presence, how you kept space to your touch.”

/Male 30

"I am deeply touched and enormously grateful to my magical tantra masseuse, Malin."

I have an appointment booked. I will receive a tantra massage. I am expectant, very expectant for the simple reason that I have no idea how exactly her tantra massage will turn out. On three other occasions I have received tantra massage and none have been the same except for the common denominator that it was a very special experience. Experiences that go beyond physical pleasure.

I am welcomed by a very feminine woman. She has prepared a bed on the floor. Candles are lit which spread a warm glow in the otherwise dark room. I take off all my clothes. She asks me to lie on my stomach. I feel comfortable and feel safe. She conveys a calm, a harmony, balance. Relaxing music streams out of the speakers at just the right volume.

She starts softly massaging my lower legs, my ankles. She applies a little more force on the soles of my feet. It feels good. A sense of well-being spreads through my body. She massages my thighs and then moves to my back. Her fingers and hands are either soft and exploratory or decidedly powerful depending on which points she chooses to massage the body parts. There is something here in the neck, she says and massages, presses, holds and twists. Yes, it’s in the neck. I feel pain, both unpleasant and more pleasant. She asks me to turn to lying on my back.

I feel that my body is relaxed, open and soft. I am in the moment, all the time here and now. I neither analyze nor value her movements, pressures and caresses. I let what happens happen when it happens. I feel, only feel, what is happening in my body, the way my body responds to her hands and body. She touches the outside of my left calf. It hurts. She massages the back of my left foot. It hurts. I tell her it hurts. She notes and massages my right calf and back of my foot. They hurt in exactly the same way. No, the right back of the foot hurts a little extra. Yes, she says, there is a heavy energy that is going out here, in both legs. She asks me to help with the breathing. I begin to inhale deeply and then exhale forcefully. I continue to exhale and inhale in powerful breaths. Something is happening in my body. I feel, and see before my closed eyes, that both my feet grow in size. They get bigger and bigger, thicker and thicker, dark, dark brown as if they were made of some dark wood. They are stiff and heavy. I ask her to pat the backs of my feet. All of a sudden something releases. The feet get smaller and smaller, they shrink. My whole self is shrinking. I feel myself being transformed into a tiny, perfectly formed girl figure. I am lying outside in a forest, on a soft bed of moss and am no longer than 20-30 cm tall. I am light, almost white in skin with long, light curly hair. I feel in my whole body that I AM this little being. I’m out here in the forest all alone. It’s sooooo real. I feel the air around me, I feel the scents. I am satisfied and at peace.

Suddenly I feel something in my body, something happens. My upper body is slowly, clearly and very slowly, turning into the fit torso of a young man. He/I may be around 25 years old, he/I has short, dark, curly hair. A clear picture to my eyes. The strange thing is that from the waist down to the toes it is the same little girl’s body as before. I tell you out loud how I look and how real everything feels. She continues massaging and now asks if she can massage my bare breasts. Absolutely, I reply. The strange thing is that I understand that she is massaging my breasts but I feel as if I were without female breasts, instead she is massaging my masculine chest. I can clearly feel her massaging my male torso. I tell her exactly everything that is happening and that it is the reality of the moment. Then something happens. My hands are starting to grow. They grow and grow. They grow as big as badgers. There I am lying in the moss out in the forest with the upper body of a male youth and with a miniature female lower body. And it feels like the most natural thing at the moment.

My body gives signals of further transformation. The lower body grows and integrates in size and age with the upper body and then ages slightly. I am a man. I recognize the feeling in the male body. I am my brother. I am absolutely sure that at this moment I am lying on the floor getting a massage and my brother’s body is in my body. It couldn’t be more real than that right then and there. She asks what we should do. I say he can stay a while. She massages, touches my body and I get a whim and ask her to push my right hip, hard, hard. She responds by pushing hard and there, in the moment, my brother leaves me and I’m back in my own body. For a very short time. The next moment I’m lying on a bunk in a large octagonal burlap tent out in the desert. The time is long ago, many, many years ago. I am a young, beautiful woman with long, wavy black hair. I lie with my skirt pulled up high with my legs in the birthing position. I’m about to give birth. Between my legs stands a woman/midwife who will help me. It’s just the two of us in the big tent. I tell out loud everything that happens. She asks if we should help. Yes, I answer. Okay, she says, then we’ll do it. Krysta. And I writhe and writhe, moan and sound. Out comes an enormously large baby boy. By comparison, he looks like an 8-month-old baby. He is so finished, satisfied, at peace, in harmony. His skin is fair, very fair, and his hair is gold. He lies so naturally in the midwife’s arms, completely silent, breathing calmly. His umbilical cord is incredibly thick, maybe 10 cm in diameter. It curls around him. I get up to a half-sitting position and look at the baby in fascination, and so does the midwife. Then she puts him on my arm and goes out. We are alone. I feel an enormous love for this special baby boy with his fair complexion that contrasts sharply with my golden brown skin. He is like a golden Buddha. In the meantime, my massage has been going on and now I am being asked if it is okay for me to receive a yoni massage. I say yes and after a while she inserts a finger. It’s like I’m the lens on the front of a camera on her finger. I look straight into my womb. She spins her finger around and I see what it looks like inside myself. Then she points the camera at my inner room, the room behind the cervix. Then I see that there is a guardian standing in front of the inner room, calm, steady, safe and in radiant love. The creature has a violet, indigo shimmer around it, contrasting beautifully with the powerful white light, like a spotlight, emanating from the inner room. I understand that I myself am the guardian. I convey the feeling that this is sacred space. Only the chosen one enters here.

I get another massage and feel a blissful gratitude for everything I got to experience. It was stated that it would be a tantra massage. For me these were some incredibly amazing experiences brought about by a most extraordinary energy worker/healer who is adept at sensing where and how to process the body in the most effective way to give the recipient exactly what they need.

This was an experience far beyond what I thought a tantra massage could give me. I was certainly massaged, in an amazing way. But my personal experiences were very special, not something I could have prepared for, thank God. They were personal messages to me which I understood in retrospect.

I am deeply touched and enormously grateful to my magical tantra masseuse, Malin Rydesjö, whom I highly recommend if you want to experience something extraordinary that is for you personally.

– Ulrika Wolftooth

"The massage awakened my zest for life and made my body's energies flow freely."

”A powerful experience to let go of long-hidden darkness in a permissive room. To be held and heard. Treated with warmth and care in the most beautiful way, I dared to let go of tensions and blockages.
The massage awakened my zest for life and made my body’s energies flow freely.
Malin is magic✨”

Male 53

"There are really several things that I feel have given completely new dimensions to my body."

In addition to the session, the feedback to me and my body that evening we spoke over the phone was incredibly important. I once again got to feel what it feels like when my pelvis, uterus and hips are allowed to relax. I’m also not as tense and it hurts less. Feel that a lot is shifting in my body, with my sexuality and old programming.

There are really several things that I feel have given completely new dimensions to my body. Now that my husband and I have made love, my sex feels active and alive in a way I’ve never felt before, and he feels it too! He feels a more intimate connection with me and something that creates a completely new experience for both of us. It’s as if my sex has woken up and dares to join. It’s a very nice feeling and I feel for the first time a relationship with my sex and an expansion when I love.

It feels like a new path I’m discovering and I look forward to continuing an intimate and communicative relationship with my body. Many thanks for you Malin and your energy that kept me in my healing. I appreciate you very much!

"It was very exciting and something I will continue to work on."

It was a very strong experience for me and I feel that I got more in touch with myself, my feelings and what I feel is missing in my life. It was very exciting and something I will continue to work on so that I can face the world more naturally.

Great fun that I opened that door and will think about how to explore it more.

– Man 30

"I enjoyed in deep shivers of pleasure."

I am so grateful for the fantastic tantra massage I received from Malin Rydesjö!

A new star in Stockholm’s tantra sky where she was soon a fully trained, certified masseuse after a previous, as I understand it, long educational journey in the world of yoga and Ayurveda.
All this knowledge, together with a tangible talent and disposition, mean that Malin is already absolutely top class in her tantra massage, if you ask me.

She started with a deep breathing exercise which soon created presence throughout my body, then directly found the pain and acupressure points in my bad feet and soon had the pain massaged away.
Then she continued up the length of my body and soon my whole body had the most lovely penetration, with everything from feather-light silk veils to tumbling wraps around the whole body, and in between the most tender touch.
I enjoyed deep shivers of pleasure, Malin’s hands were everywhere and sort of opened up my whole body to the world. So in the end I was just one big smile. A wonderful experience.

I wish Malin the best of luck on her new path as a tantra masseur, and highly recommend her!

– Per Guldbrandsen

Holistic healing massage 90 / 120 min

Welcome to abhyanga, a massage with warm herbal oil that is massaged all over the body to activate acupressure points, get nutrition into the skin, activate the lymph and the energy system. Instead of trigger points, we pull out the tension, instead of dealing with pain, we transform and release it. On the bench you get to breathe out programming, toxins, fatigue, bonds and karmic threads and activate your true self. We work with chakra balancing and raise the frequency in different ways.

We use shamanic techniques, mindfulness, breathing and healing in different ways. Multidimensional. Sometimes the inner child wants to heal, sometimes it’s past lives or your physical body. Often all at the same time. On the bench, body and soul can therefore be cleansed, healed, healed, rested and taken care of.

Read more about - Holistic healing massage

The treatment begins with a short conversation where we find the basis of your challenges. After the treatment, there is a short sharing, but we have a more in-depth sharing when you land at home, either the same day or the day after, so that you can put the experience into words, ask questions and receive follow-up and feedback. This is done via email or SMS. This is important because the insights and effects of the treatment are integrated and deepened in this way. 3 treatments are recommended as they can activate your truth and life path and heal deep wounds and traumas in your past. You can also combine with coaching and healing on the phone or on site.

The treatments can help with:

  • Depression, anxiety, worry, fear, stress
  • Feeling of stagnation, lost, not being enough or the feeling of not doing the right things.
  • Not finding your way.
  • Emptiness and loneliness and feeling of not getting close in relationships.
  • Feeling of not understanding yourself, accepting yourself, finding your needs and context.
  • Physical pain and aches.

Choose between 90 and 120 minute treatment. 3 treatments are recommended. Mix between coaching and healing on the phone, on site and holistic massage and healing. Also see the mentoring program and how you can mix freely and have support from me between our meetings for 3-6 months.

Price: 90 min SEK 2,200 | 120 min 3000:-
When: Appointment
Location: Determined at the time of booking

The fee is paid upon registration to bg 229-2571 or swished to 1235879606
Type your name and Holistic 90 (alt) Holistic 120 in the message box.

What some of the satisfied say.

"I didn't think physical things could happen so quickly. Fantastic!"
To my great surprise, my right arm has become almost pain-free and has increased mobility! I injured my shoulder 1.5 years ago and have been in a lot of pain the last few months due to overuse.

I didn’t think physical things could happen so quickly. Fantastic!

The feeling of relief in my chest is still quite great, and I feel like a little ball of light is tingling and vibrating there.

"With his soft, loving and safe manner, we worked our way through.."

I have been working and processing a trauma for several years that I experienced in childhood (sexual abuse from my father).

When I met Malin, I felt I was done with the mental part, but I felt that there was a lot left in my physical body connected to the abuse that I needed to be freed from.

With his soft, loving and safe way, we worked our way through layer upon layer and released things that were stored in the body. Because I felt so safe, we could go deep down. I also worked with my inner children, the 3-year-old and the 5-year-old, who were very damaged. They often appear now afterwards in my meditations and it is a wonderful feeling to feel and ”see” how safe and balanced they are. For me, the best proof that the sessions have really worked.

What I felt was so unique about Malin is that we did the work together. Another quality that I valued highly was how empathetic and responsive Malin is.

It’s been a few months since the sessions and I feel so happy and free! I also feel that if something comes up, I have got nice tools with me that I can use. Because we will never be completely finished 

Can highly recommend Malin! She is amazing and a gift to humanity ❤️

Big warm hug ❤️
Carina Nilsson


I had never tried healing before. But what a penetrating, magical and heartfelt experience I had right away the first time. I came with a vulnerability that created severe anxiety throughout my life, but in half an hour, with her soft, empathetic and pleasant guidance, Malin had identified the problem and placed it in a perspective that immediately eased my worry and anxiety. And even today, much later, that serenity remains in me. Magically!

"Thank you so much for your amazing treatment!"

Thank you very much for your fantastic treatment! I had for some time experienced a certain disconnection, fragmentation and fatigue in my system but feel that my energies were activated during the treatment and began to flow again. I feel balanced and steadier, stand more clearly in myself. This is a process that has been going on for some time, but your treatment strengthened and gave the process clarity and speed. I feel grounded and stable even though a lot has happened since we met. What is interesting is that since we met I have made several clear decisions about things that no longer benefit me and have taken steps in the direction that is in my highest good. Something I didn’t really dare to do, but now carried out without really thinking too much. Many thanks!

Willing to receive further treatment to go deeper and release more of old patterns, blockages and fear that sit deep in the system.

Big hug
– Eve

Yoga therapy

Yoga = balance. Here you get exercises to do at home to create flow and balance in your entire system. We start with a conversation about how you feel and your needs. You are then guided through breathing, yoga and meditation. You will receive exercises to do at home for the follow-up in 4 years. The exercises can be anything related to lifestyle, but are based on breathing, yoga, meditation. Possible diet, acupressure points, approach and other exercises that can help you lift your well-being to a level where you are comfortable.

Read more about - Yoga therapy

Yoga therapy for your health and well-being

We do mediyoga, kundalini yoga and healing yoga. I use mindfulness, stress management, Ayurveda and if you want, energy medicine to support you in your expansion.

2 meetings incl. a follow-up when you get new exercises to continue with. Feel free to supplement with other treatments.

Price: SEK 1,600
Where: Online
When: Appointment

The fee is deposited at bg 229-2571 or swished to 1235879606
Write your name and Yoga Therapy in the message box.

Stress management and mental health

Stress reactions are intertwined with our emotions, immune system thoughts, breath, movements, behaviors, yes the life we ​​manage to live. The reactions are the body’s signals of imbalance, but when we have not learned to listen or understand the signals, we end up in resistance and accumulated stress.

Read more about - Stress management and mental health

Through our meetings with body treatments, coaching and healing including emotion regulation, increasing listening to and communication with the body and exercises that keep your process towards stress-free between our meetings, you increase both your knowledge of stress and how it works in your body and how you should respond that, but above all we work with techniques that release the causes of stress and its symptoms. You are also guided into self-compassion, presence, security, trust, peace and gratitude as a state to rest in, but also as techniques to use in your lifestyle.

You may present with mild to severe symptoms. Regardless, we want to bring out your inner balance and strength and who you really are. My gift is to holistically reduce (sometimes eliminate) stress, blocked emotions and body tension as well as relieve any stagnant energy while restoring your capacity for resilience. I work multidimensionally, see also other treatments.

Price: SEK 1,300
Where: Online and/or on-site
When:  Appointment

The fee is paid upon registration to bg 229-2571 or swishas to 1235879606
Write your name and Stress management in the message box.
Tel: 0707 750868


What some of the satisfied say.

"I felt uplifted, safe and very clean inside and filled with a strong love."

Hello dear Malin,

and thank you, thank you, thank you for your last treatment, I couldn’t have done it without it, I think.

I had a sense of confinement and anxiety, as if I were a prisoner in my own physical body.
Quickly felt that a flow was opened through the body and gray misty light was replaced by pulsating waves out of me that dispersed the greyness. You saw it was hard in my chest and around my ribs – got pictures of hard rock with cracks in it where you shined light and I could feel it just releasing around lungs and vertebrae in my neck too. My body filled with joy and began to splutter like a child – I wanted to dance. After that came the most amazing experience, the light intensified and I saw a mustard yellow field like algae spreading in the water. The yellow dissolved and floated away in small pieces and an intense clear light blue color grew stronger and stronger, finally it became like an indescribable fountain of light that was so beautiful and strong that I was amazed. I felt uplifted and safe and very clean inside and filled with a strong love. After the session ended, I played ”Happy” with Pharrell Williams three times in a row and danced around. And I had this experience without drugs or alcohol. Just high on life!

Forever grateful that you are in my life and that you have been there for me in tough stages.

Self-leadership program

A transformative journey into healing and wholeness 3-6 months.
We alternate treatments so that you get the right support in your healing transformation process.

Do you walk with a feeling of emptiness, loneliness, inadequacy? Do you know that your best self is there, but can’t quite find home?
Do you see the consequences of difficulties you have gone through; a suspended parent, rejected, pressured in various ways and noticing stress reactions such as flight or co-dependence, fatigue, apathy, withdrawal?
Here you get continuous support in your personal and spiritual development. Here you are guided into self-love.
Here you make a journey into your balance, your sustainability, your living life.

Read more about - The self-leadership programme

You will receive continuous support throughout these months. A guiding mentoring program where you receive one session (energy medicine and transformative coaching on the phone) per month for 3-6 months and individually adapted exercises, mindsets, materials, tasks for your development process. You can also come physically.

The sessions are based on your needs and desires where we clear blockages on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic level to free you so that you can be who you are, be in touch with your soul and your life path.

A holistic journey through all your systems, healing wounds and traumas and consequences of that and other that you have struggled with but not quite healed or found.

”What an experience! I have never ever, despite all the meditation and therapy etc, come so close to my deep deep worry and anxiety and also be able to see it so clearly linked to my relationship with my mother. I am so deeply grateful for your beautiful, gentle, loving guidance to something that I thought was unattainable.”

Malin works beyond (but with) methods with energy medicine, clairvoyance, healing. The ability to open up the space within you, invite co-creation and then be able to concretize logically so that it becomes understandable and useful in everyday life seems to be unique. What heals heals completely and then the behaviors, thoughts, feelings that are related to the cause of the trauma/wound we released from your system also disappear.

I believe that those of you who want to join this program have really longed to balance your inner reality to a new level.
That you have worked a bit on yourself and want to move on and include everything that is you.
You want to take the leadership courses, the yoga, the meditation and everything you know and have done into a whole that affects the WHOLE of you DEEPLY, at the CORE.
You want a life that resonates in truth with who you really are, beyond play, fight, surface, escape.
You long for true love, both for yourself, others, a partner, life and I believe you have a lot to contribute to this world and long for it without running out. You want to live with meaning, with power in your full expression and you want a tribe that sees you and lifts you up in it. Maybe you are a leader and long for a more cohesive group at work where everyone acts more from the heart, and moves towards the same goal. Yes, you who want to live and work more genuinely in the world, starting with and in harmony with your own well-being, I think you want to work with me!

You’re welcome! Just the way you are.

Malin is a yoga therapist, kundalini yoga teacher, mediyoga instructor, stress coach trainer, knowledgeable in Ayurveda, lecturer, workshop leader, healer and trainer in energy medicine.

3 sessions over 3 months.

The program includes yoga, mindfulness, meditation, shamanic healing, soul retrieval and multidimensional, transformative, activating coaching. Lifestyle coaching can also be an element.

  • 1 longer session of 2h
  • 2 shorter sessions of 1h
  • Individual feedback on individually adapted exercises.

Price: SEK 9,000

6 sessions over 6 months.
The program includes yoga, mindfulness, meditation, shamanic healing, soul retrieval and multidimensional, transformative, activating coaching. Lifestyle coaching can also be an element.
  • 2 longer sessions of 2h
  • 4 shorter sessions of 1h
  • Individual feedback on individually adapted exercises.
Price: SEK 16,000

Choose between:

Price 3 months: SEK 9,000
Price 6 months: SEK 16,000

The fee is deposited at bg 229-2571 or swished to 1235879606
Type your name and Self3 (alt) Self6 in the message box.

What some of the satisfied say.

"With his soft, loving and safe manner, we worked our way through.."

I have been working and processing a trauma for several years that I experienced in childhood (sexual abuse from my father).

When I met Malin, I felt I was done with the mental part, but I felt that there was a lot left in my physical body connected to the abuse that I needed to be freed from.

With his soft, loving and safe way, we worked our way through layer upon layer and released things that were stored in the body. Because I felt so safe, we could go deep down. I also worked with my inner children, the 3-year-old and the 5-year-old, who were very damaged. They often appear now afterwards in my meditations and it is a wonderful feeling to feel and ”see” how safe and balanced they are. For me, the best proof that the sessions have really worked.

What I felt was so unique about Malin is that we did the work together. Another quality that I valued highly was how empathetic and responsive Malin is.

It’s been a few months since the sessions and I feel so happy and free! I also feel that if something comes up, I have got nice tools with me that I can use. Because we will never be completely finished 

Can highly recommend Malin! She is amazing and a gift to humanity ❤️

Big warm hug ❤️
– Carina Nilsson

"Some very crucial parts of myself fell into place."

I received a very clarifying and liberating session from Malin, which has meant that I now own and can use a larger part of myself in my Leadership and my life. It was as if some very crucial parts of myself fell into place which means that I don’t have to struggle so much and will be able to create so much more.

Big Warm Thanks Malin for your extraordinary level of ”Spiritual Surgery” – Do you want to come to your home and really let go of old crap that keeps you stuck in old illusions – Book a session